Are there any significant home reserves of oil and gas that would be economical to create, but to that you do not have access? Where are they, and what helps prevent your getting them to market? How do the Congress and the Government assist the industry in obtaining access to world-class energy reserves in countries that currently limit their usage of monopoly state coal and oil enterprises?
Many of your companies currently come back as much cash to stockholders as you invest in finding and developing new coal and oil fields. Please describe all the factors governing these decisions, like the impact of institutional collateral and investors analysts. Four years ago, gas was touted as a cheap, plentiful, and environmentally sound fuel.
Why has the source failed to match the growth popular, resulting in the quadrupling of natural gas prices? How much gas internationally is available, and what investment and permits would be required in order to import yet another 5 billion cubic foot each day of gas into the US?
How soon could this natural gas to be accessible, and what impact would it not have on domestic gas prices? Major essential oil companies have shut or sold down we refineries in the last 10 years. Please, explain the factors involved with these decisions, and comment on the relative attractiveness of creating new, “grass-roots” refining capacity now. Several Senators and Congressmen have suggested the introduction of “tactical product reserves”, in which gasoline and heating system essential oil could be stockpiled for use in the event of a supply disruption or natural devastation, like the recent hurricanes. How would these stockpiles have an effect on existing mechanisms for conference seasonal fluctuations popular?
What stops the industry from holding large enough commercial inventories to meet emergency needs? Please describe the economics and technical readiness of choice energy technology, including both unconventional hydrocarbons and alternative resources, with particular emphasis on those capable of producing liquid fuels that may be distributed through existing infrastructure. How much investment would be needed, per day from these sources and how quickly could facilities be brought on-stream to create one million barrels? Each day 10 million barrels? You’ll remember that none of the questions addresses efficiency or any other demand-side concerns.
So whereas a bank or investment company offers you the protection that your primary investment is safe and cannot drop, a dividend-paying company offers no such warranty. On the flipside however, if the public company will well, your return will often far exceed anything offered by a bank. In short, a risk is being used by you by investing your money in the management process of a particular company. Companies are successful if they can profitably grow. For instance, had McDonalds stayed with an individual restaurant, it could not have been considered successful, except perhaps on an extremely limited scale. But of course, McDonalds didn’t stay with a single restaurant – it grew into thousands of restaurants all over the world.
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This growth rewarded McDonalds investors as the share price and dividend moved higher over the years. Dividends are a reflection of the company’s growth, and as an organization expands, its divided often increases as well. Every year for several years Companies such as Johnson & Johnson have increased their dividends. 1.05 per talk about – a rise of 5%. This is where interest-bearing accounts (such as those provided by banks) and dividend paying accounts diverge.
A bank or investment company is not likely to praise you as the bank grows, however the dividend paying company is expected to reward you. And companies do that as a way of sharing their growth regularly. As companies grow, they often boost their dividends to keep pace with a growing stock price.